When you use points for your entire Amazon purchase, American Express will charge your purchase to your Card account and deduct the points you used from your program account, and you will see a corresponding statement credit for the points you used. Orders for which you use rewards points must also include the Credit or Charge Card associated to the rewards account from which the rewards points are applied. Why do I have to specify the Credit or Charge Card linked to my rewards program account in my order? I have enough rewards points for my order. There is no fee for using Membership Rewards points on. Is there a fee for using Membership Rewards points for my purchase on the site? If there is an error in displaying your Membership Rewards account point balance, please contact American Express by calling the phone number on the back of your Card. If you have a Membership Rewards points balance that is less than 2 points, have not added a Membership Rewards eligible American Express Card to your Amazon account, or have not used a Membership Rewards eligible Card to make a purchase at Amazon before, you may not see available points on the payments page. Why don't I see the available Membership Rewards points on the payments page? For the details of your specific Cards, please contact American Express by calling the phone number on the back of your Card.
Only Cards enrolled in the Membership Rewards program are eligible to use Shop with Points. I have more than one American Express Card.
#Express acounts trial
In the event you are using a Prime trial subscription, you can still choose to use your Membership Rewards-enrolled American Express Card as the payment preference so that you can use points to cover the charge for your subscription after your trial period ends. You can choose to select a different payment method to pay for the subscription at any time on the link below. In the event your Membership Rewards points balance is not enough to cover the charge for the total amount of the subscription, American Express will separately charge the portion of your subscription that you did not cover with points to your American Express Card account and you will receive a statement credit only for the amount of the points used. Points will be debited from your program account towards the total amount of the Prime subscription, and will be subsequently debited towards the total amount of the renewal if your subscription is set for auto-renewal. When you charge your purchase or renewal of your Prime subscription to your Membership Rewards-enrolled American Express Card, you can choose to use Membership Rewards points to cover the charge. Can I use Membership Rewards points to cover the charge for my Prime subscription?